Monday, August 20, 2012

That Awkward Moment

Whenever I tell anyone I work in a pharmacy, I always get that "I'm so sorry for your loss" look.
I start getting things like :
"Oh my goodness, why?? What happened? You were such a good person."
"You were the last person I ever imagined this to happen to."
"Hopefully God will help you find something good.. you just hang in there you!"

They don't understand why I do it. It's not about the money, it's not about the enjoyment, it's about the gratitude.
It's about selling perfume and nail polish and eyeliner. Do not underestimate the importance of eyeliner.

*dramatic climax in background music*

I get to sell tampons and toothpaste and bleaching powder. I help people decide which hair dye to use everyday.
It isn't easy, but I do it everyday.
This world needs me.
I.. I am honored.
I .. am blessed.

Back to the money.

I was speaking with my father the other day. When it came up that I make about 100 dollars a month, he had a tiny panic attack. "100$ ?! Do you know how much I spent on your education!?" *hysterical laughter*

My education. hahahahaha
Don't get me started.

I don't do it for the money, I said.

I'm doing it to get to heaven. =/

I wouldn't mind being this kind of pharmacist if I had studied to become,well, this kind of pharmacist.

Screw Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pathology. Forget about Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology. Throw Physiology in the garbage, and have it take Fermentation along with it.

Such a waste of life to study all that, and excel in it, to end up counting down the hours in a stuffy pharmacy until you get to go home.

The irony of life.

If this doesn't get me to heaven, I'm not sure what will.

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