Sunday, August 26, 2012

Seriously, though.

I often wonder how people imagine the inside of a pharmacy to be like.
The people who have probably never stepped foot inside of one before.
You know, all those people who call us everyday to ask for silly things or even important medicine.
The people who get so upset if you keep them on hold as you answer the waiting.

I think, in their minds, the pharmacy is a magical world where hundreds of little people (emphasis on hundreds) dressed in white lab coats scurry around taking phone calls, preparing orders, checking prices, medicine availabilities, and giving shots. Where we - the pharmacists - hurry about measuring blood pressure and blood glucose, choosing the perfect shade of lipstick for people, and sell single diapers.

A world where orders reach you the moment you put down your phone, and anything you order is always in stock and expires in 2056.

Seriously though, I really doubt anybody understands how annoying it is to work in a pharmacy. How annoying it is to deal with people who are unrealistic, over demanding, and ungrateful. I'm not referring to every one of course. I'm referring to the man who calls and asks for 4 boxes of Zolam. I'm referring to the woman who wants me to send her a nail polish that is neither too pink nor too white.

These people need to step foot inside a real pharmacy, not the one in their head.
They need to put on a white lab coat, in a stuffy pharmacy, on a 40 degree day, and stay 8 hours long answering phone calls.
Not to punish them, nor poke fun at how they will deal with it, but simply to have them appreciate us and what we do more. To have them understand what it takes to balance all the phone calls and all the orders and all the requests without having it all explode in your face.
Just a little bit of gratitude. A little bit of appreciation. A little bit of understanding.
Is that too much to ask for?

Seriously, though.
I doubt it would make a difference!

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