Saturday, August 18, 2012


See, I always vowed from day one, that I would never ever ever work in a pharmacy.
It wasn't my thing. Working in a pharmacy for 8 straight hours a day would be the last day of my life.
(Said I, once upon a time.)

So, how did I end up in a pharmacy? Well, I guess it sort of just happened by exclusion. (Which also happens to be how I decided to study Pharmacy .. but, that's another story.)

It all started when I graduated a year ago, and took a good long look at "where do I go from here?".

And it looked something like this:

1) Work at a Pharmacy.
2) Become a Medical Representative at a Pharmaceutical Company.
3) Prepare my Master's Degree.
4) Head for the Academic Field, as a Teacher's Assistant.

As I explored these options, I formed an opinion about each one.

If you work at a pharmacy, all you will be getting is questions about which drug is cheaper, if you have anymore red halls, and if you could send over a couple antibiotics with the delivery boy.You will be selling pampers, shampoos, sun-tan lotion, gum, cough syrup, and if you're lucky .. get a few prescriptions !! Forget everything you learned about patient counseling and all that nonsense. The only thing you'll be counseling is which hair dye is better! Unfortunately, that is the view of pharmacists in Egypt.

If you're a medical rep. , be prepared to experience first hand the condescending attitude of physicians. You will drive long hours and wait even longer, and hope to get the attention you deserve !! I'm sorry, I don't find this a kind of job requiring the qualifications of a pharmacist! (refer to Season 5,Episode 16 of How I Met Your Mother for an elaboration!)Sometimes, very rare times, there is an opening for a Clinical Research Assistant. Sounds awesome when you put it that way! But take a closer look at your job description, and unfortunately you come to realize, it's not very different.

MSc? Here goes nothing. You decide to go through, once more, the hardships of studying. But it's not that easy! You must have the money, the energy, and the opportunity. Forget finding what interests you here in Egypt, if you want to study in a program that you chose based on what you want, you must be willing to travel abroad for it. But be careful, if you plan on returning to Egypt, don't chose something that has no future here! Which narrows it down once more, to the opportunities available here. And you thought you actually found something you liked. =)

TA. If this is something that interests you then by all means go for it!! But wait, you think it's easy? It's far from!! Even if you have an outstanding GPA , you won't find any vacancies because they will all be taken by people with an even HIGHER GPA!! True story.
Go find yourself an elementary school. Science teachers are cool.

As you see, the options were quite frustrating. Not just because it felt like I would never find a suitable job.
But also because I knew that sooner or later, I would have to choose one of those options to start out with and just suck it up.

And that is why I decided to work in a pharmacy.

Yes. I did this to myself.

Do I hate it?
I'll let you be the judge of that.

God grant me patience.

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