Friday, September 21, 2012

They call me a Pharmacist

I was pondering over how I would say this. How I would start this entry and slowly make my way through my thoughts until I got my point across.
But you know what? I didn't find a better way than to just say it, so I will.

We, the pharmacists of this world, are the only ones capable of providing you all with medicine!! Literally!
You may trust your physician more than us, heck, your physician may mock us all the hell he wants, but at the end of the day he prescribes to you the medication that WE - graduates of schools of pharmacy - discovered, researched, developed, slaved over, clinically trialled, produced, quality controlled, and sold. And that's just a tiny part of it!! There is so much more that goes behind all this, that pharmacists do, but for some reason it's all conveniently forgotten. With all do respect to all the physicians, they wouldn't know the difference between Naphthenes and Naphthalene if their lives depended on it. And I'm not saying that they should!! They know much more in several other fields related to their work as physicians, and things that don't concern us as pharmacists. Not to mention that they work hand in hand with us in bringing about the introduction of a new drug as they are right there when the drug is still in clinical trials. (I'm diverting from the topic, let me get back to my point.)

My point is, when the pharmacist who is the one that creates all the medicine in this world, and the one who provided cures for so many diseases today, and the same one who God willingly may have the cure for late stage cancer one day, is degraded to become a human robot routinely working in a job where he is under appreciated, under paid, and under challenged, well .. doesn't that sort of KILL any creativity or any hope of creating anything that may be worth any use to this world?!
Again, with all do respect to all the pharmacists who work in pharmacies in Egypt -including myself- (and I say Egypt because in developed countries like the U.S and Germany, pharmacists have a real job which doesn't revolve around helping you choose a lip gloss that goes with the color of the nail polish you just chose. They have a real job that is critical and requires specific study and cannot be delegated to anyone else but a pharmacist. ), lets get real. You could be doing this job with 5% of what you studied in college. There are only basics that you need to know to work in a pharmacy, and the biggest proof of that is all the physicians, dentists, lawyers, etc who wear a lab coat and carry entire shifts alone in a pharmacy.

I know, if I don't like it I should just leave.
And you know what? I will!
But it saddens me greatly to see all this potential go to waste.
Hidden under piles and piles of frustration, dis-gratitude, and giving in to "the bitter reality".
A bitter reality that has made an entire society view us as salesmen, and make jokes about it on our expense.

And the saddest part is, I can't blame them. Because I've seen how all of them are true.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here comes the bride, all dressed in .. a white labcoat.

You know what's adorable?

But, not all of them.

Not all mothers are adorable, no.
Some mothers are just annoying.

Like this one.

It's a regular day at the pharmacy. A lady walks in, asks for some medications, I give her what she asks for, and she leaves.

But wait.

She turns back around, and asks me for my name.
"You're cute doctor, what's your name?
Are you engaged?
Umm, no.
In a relationship?
Err.. uh.. no?
hahaha, ok then. *wink* "

And she's gone.

Or is she?

7 minutes later, the phone in the pharmacy rings.
My boss picks up, someone is asking for me.
I pick up the phone and .. well, take a wild guess who is on the other line?

" Hey Dr. Engi, I'm the lady who was just speaking with you a few minutes ago.
Yes, hey. Can I help you?
Here, write my number down, and give me a missed call after work.
I'm sorry, what?
Well I don't want to chat and take you away from your work, wouldn't want you to get into any trouble.
*how thoughtful*
So when you're off work, just give me that missed and I will call you right back.
Is everything ok?
Oh yes yes, everything is great! Good news, good news."

Of course I never did call her back. And apparently I didn't need to, because the next day her son came to the pharmacy himself. But thank God it was my day off.
My boss is actually the one who told me. He said a young man came and asked about me (me whom he has never even seen!) and left his "credentials" and phone number. (wtf?!)

I felt like a TV set at that moment.
Bride window shopping.
I don't know about you, but I didn't find it flattering at all.
I found it insulting. Here I am slaving away,unappreciated, in this place, when some lady takes a look at me and thinks "well she looks like she's got nothing better to do. I'll have my little boy come and check her out himself. I wonder if she comes in lilac!! Oh how lovely!" -_-
But you know what? I'm pretty sure many pharmacies have participated in the marriage of plenty.
Come to think of it, I think that may actually be one of their greatest uses in Egypt.

Wow, this pharmacy business never fails to surprise me.
There is so much more to it than meets the eye.

And that freaks me out, sometimes.